Valuable Information

as you begin the Lean transformation

Year End Newsletter


This year, I have been reminded more than ever that everything rises and falls on leadership.  The best strategy and improvement plan is only as good as the top leader’s ability to ensure proper execution of that strategy.  Even a sub-par plan can yield outstanding results given the right leader.  My reflections lead me to believe that effective leadership is so crucial because leaders are the hope givers.  They provide hope to all stakeholders.


I have seen leaders give hope to customers who have historically struggled with lead time, delivery, and quality issues. These customers now have hope that their concerns will finally be addressed.  I actually heard a customer say, “Our monthly meetings have been ‘Groundhog Day’ for quite a while (alluding to the movie where Bill Murray experiences the same day over and over again), but now I am excited that the problems are being addressed.  It is obvious that you have a plan that you will execute.”  This leader instilled confidence in a customer base that previously believed problems were the norm and would never be corrected.


I have seen leaders give hope to shareholders this year to believe that business-as-usual and monthly misses to the financial plan would be a thing of the past.  These leaders didn’t hide problems and didn’t even fix a majority of the existing problems.  They simply focused on the vital few initiatives that would maximize results and ensured the annual plan would be exceeded.  These leaders didn’t waver in the face of adversity.  They didn’t change their plan upon uncovering a setback.  These leaders didn’t falter in the midst of bad news.  These leaders remained steadfast, knowing that the strategic direction is sound and that every setback is an opportunity for learning and improvement.


I have seen leaders give hope to employees this year to believe that problems wouldn’t be hidden with excessive overtime and short-sighted decision-making that mortgaged the business’s future.  These leaders provided a clear direction of vital few initiatives and then enabled effective execution of those initiatives.  The leaders brought out the best in their people and made improvements WITH their teams rather than TO their teams.  These leaders gave their employees a more secure future and a work atmosphere that was far more enjoyable than they had experienced in the past.  I have seen disillusioned workforces that were simply going-through-the-motions transition into an empowered workforce that was celebrating wins on a regular basis.  I’ve seen these leaders change the work mindset from “has to” to “gets to.”

As always, it has been a year in which everything has either risen or fallen on leadership.  Leaders, I salute you.  You are the givers of hope. 

In this holiday season, I am reminded of the ultimate hope giver, who modeled servant leadership better than anyone in history.  It is His example that we strive to exemplify as we coach leaders to ever greater levels of success and hope-giving.

If your business is in need of some hope, please give Paul Eakle a call at 865-323-3491.  We wish every one of you a joyous Christmas season and a successful and prosperous 2016.

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