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Lean Manufacturing
We succinctly define Lean as a system to identify and solve problems utilizing all of your people. A startling statistic is that 70% of companies who have embarked upon a Lean Journey are dissatisfied with the results they’ve achieved (McKenzie & Bain study). Why is this? The biggest reason is the misconception that Lean is nothing more than a set of tools. It is typical to think it is a matter of tools and endeavor to learn and implement the Lean tools, not understanding that each Lean tool is a countermeasure to a specific problem (this is a profoundly important point). Part of the fault lies with the term “Lean Manufacturing” itself. That term was coined to market the Toyota Production System (TPS) to western manufacturers. In addition, much of the early teaching on the subject in the USA was focused on the implementation of Lean Tools. If we had kept the original name, it would have clued us in to the fact that what we are talking about here is a System (a holistic system, at that), not a collection of independent tools.
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen) Philosophy
A key component to the successful implementation of Lean Manufacturing philosophy is Kaizen. It comes from the Japanese words 改 ("kai") which means "change" or "to correct" and 善 ("zen") which means "good." The word Kaizen means "continuous improvement."
Policy Management (Hoshin Kanri)
A Japanese phrase that means setting and controlling direction. Some translate it as “Policy Deployment” but a more accurate term is “Policy Management.” There are three basic components of Hoshin Kanri. The first is setting goals, the second is creating a detailed plan to meet the goals, and the third is putting in place a system to ensure the detailed plan is executed in the planned timing, with the planned results. As the name implies, Hoshin Kanri aligns an organization toward accomplishing a single goal.
Visit Our Service Partners
ABCO Automation – Custom Assembly Equipment and Automation
Advoco – Enterprise Asset Management
Brady ID – Label printers and Other Visual Factory Solutions
Closser Lubrication Services – Equipment/Automated Lubrication Programs
Creospan – Information and Technology Consulting, Wireless Network Engineering and Deployment
The Kidder Group – Professional Recruiting
Modular Management – Modularity and Strategic Product Architecture
Penrod Services – CAD Drafting and Design Services
QLS, Quality Leadership Systems – Industry Certifications (QS, TS, ISO) and Audits
Storeroom Solutions Inc. – Indirect Materials Management
Speaking Engagements
The leadership team of Drive Inc. is also available for both private and public speaking engagements. As industry experts with hundreds of success stories and anecdotes, we offer a unique perspective on business transformation.
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