Simultaneous Engineering
Manufacturing System Design – This workshop is recommended for manufacturers that are planning rapid growth and/or the addition of multiple sites. It provides a framework for all aspects of the operation. We blend Lean Manufacturing principles with your company culture to ensure a system that works for you.
Facilities Design – Are you starting a new facility? Do you have a “process village” layout where equipment is arranged according to process rather than product? Do you have excessive transportation due to long distances between processes? We use an approach called Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) to help your team spec out a new facility or improve the layout of an existing one.
Process Design for Operational Excellence (OPEX) – Do your processes support or detract from the OPEX initiatives within your plant? Typically, we find that, next to product design, process design can have the most impact upon the manufacturing cost of a product. This workshop, also known as 3P, focuses your team on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (AME).
Product Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFM/A) – Do your designers understand the nuances of manufacturing the product? Do you struggle to create processes that can effectively build your product? This workshop brings the designers and manufacturers together to create a product that is manufacturing friendly.
Value Analysis/Value Engineering (VA/VE) – this workshop analyzes the process and product for maximum value creation. It is a highly effective total cost enhancement tool.